Femobook A5 Electric Grinder Review┃The Coffee Chronicler


[Speaker Summary]

Asser, a well-known coffee blogger and Q Grader, frequently shares informative coffee articles and YouTube content. Check out more via the links below.


[A Closer Look at the Femobook A5 Grinder] 

When it comes to battery-powered grinders, Asser often expresses concerns about their performance and convenience. However, Asser has historically shown little interest in this type of device, was pleasantly surprised after using the Femobook A5. His hands-on experience revealed not just the practicality of the device but also its efficiency.


[Design & Build Quality]

The Femobook A5 is a compact grinder that fits seamlessly into any kitchen setup without taking up much space. One of its standout features is the magnetically attached hopper and grind cup, which make the cleaning process incredibly convenient. The attention to detail in its build speaks volumes about the brand's dedication to both functionality and aesthetic appeal.


[Performance & Usability]

When it comes to grinding for espresso, the A5 takes about 51 seconds to grind an entire dose of coffee without any issues of beans getting stuck. A simple tap after grinding ensures that all the grounds are collected efficiently.

What really left a lasting impression on Asser was the battery life. On a full charge, the A5 can perform between 30 and 50 grind sessions. With this kind of power, recharging becomes an infrequent task, adding to the convenience of everyday use.


[Brewing Experience]

The true test of a grinder is the quality it brings to the cup. The A5 delivers a sharp, layered extraction, enhancing the clarity and brightness in the coffee's flavors. It's particularly well-suited for medium roasts and bright, flavorful espressos, making it a versatile choice for a range of brewing methods.



The Femobook A5 has proven to be a success, meeting and exceeding its design goals. With excellent battery life, versatility across brewing methods, and high-quality construction, it's a modern and well-crafted grinder that appeals to both enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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