The SCA sponsor!

We have just concluded our participation at WOC in Copenhagen and it was an honor to be the sponsor of the brewing grinders for WCIGS. This event not only allowed us to deeply appreciate the enthusiasm and professionalism of every competitor but also helped us establish valuable connections with many professional coffee people.

First and foremost, we would like to extend our sincerest gratitude to all th ecompetitors. Your hard work and innovative spirit have shown us the limitless possibilities in the field of coffee. Each competitor demonstrated their love for coffee and exceptional skills, and this passion has deeply inspired us! We are also grateful to all our supporting partners and friends, especially the assistance provided by SCA. From the sponsorship discussions to the support on the competition floor, we felt the support and respect you gave us, which reinforces our belief that this collaboration is highly signicicant.

We believe that through continuous effort and collaboration, we can make coffee culture even more prosperous. We will continue to dedicate ourselves to advancing the coffee industry, exploring the endless possibilities of coffee together with more baristas and coffee enthusiasts.
